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Just for Introduction from me...


Hi, I am Ayahama. I am an InstaForex Partner and I am a Pinbar Trader. You can learn about Pinbar on my other site here.

If you are new on Forex, then first of all (before you decide open an forex trading account), please consider to learn more about forex on Forex Forum. And I recomended you to Join this Very Useful Forex Forum. In that forum, you can post a questions about all you want to know about forex trading. I am sure, in a short time - your question will be answer by someone whose was expert on forex trading and give the useful answer for your question.

And the unique of that forum is : For every your post, it is will be pay to you about $ 0.20 USD. For example on January - you had make post for about 20 post. It is mean on the first February your forex account will be creditted about $ 4 USD. How about you can post 100 post every month? - Just use your Calculator to sum your bonus !.

Ok. if you are interested to join this forex forum, just clik here and follow to signup (Good luck).

If you are have any question, please tell me - I am on Facebook - click here.



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Saturday, August 20, 2011



Sholawat dengan judul Shalawat Betawiyyin ini diunduh dari situs rasfmjakarta.
Kenapa namanya SB, saya tidak begitu jelas, namun shalawat ini memang menjadi salah satu shalawat yang 'dipopulerkan' oleh radio Asy Syafi'iyah berpuluh tahun lalu.
Mungkin yang menggubahnya orang Betawi asli atau barangkali biasa dilafadzkan oleh orang2 Betawi. Apapun, shalawat ini baik untuk diamalkan.
Allohumma sholli 'alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad
Wa asyghilie dzoolimien bidz dzoolimien
Wa akhrijnaa min bayni him saalimien
Wa 'alaa aalihi wa shohbihie ajma'ien
[Ya Alloh limpahkanlah shalawat atas pemimpin kami Nabi Muhammad.
Sibukkanlah orang2 dzolim dengan kedzoliman yang mereka perbuat.
Keluarkanlah kami dari lingkungan mereka dalam keadaan selamat.
Serta limpahkan pula shalawatMU atas keluarga Nabi Muhammad dan seluruh sahabat]